Metrohm 746 VA Trace Analyzer User Manual

Page 66

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3.9 Connection of 685 Dosimats

746 VA Trace Analyzer / 747 VA Stand


5 Prepare waste beaker

Put 6.2754.000 Rinsing quiver onto the lip of an empty waste beaker.

Before starting any initialization, dilution or pipetting functions with the

pipetting handle, hold the pipetting handle so that any solution leaving

the pipetting tip is expelled into the waste beaker.

6 Initialize Dosimat

Switch on 746 VA Trace Analyzer using the mains switch 11


Select dialog page "DOSIMATS".

Set parameter in

for the desired Dosimat


1.7 mL


Set parameter out

for the desired Dosimat


4.8 mL


Take pipetting handle by hand and put it into the waste beaker with the

pipetting tip down.

Select desired Dosimat with the cursor keys <ç> or <è> and press

: The burette cylinder is filled and excess solution is ex-

pelled to the waste beaker.

Start the initializing procedure a second time by pressing the softkey


Start the initializing procedure a third time by pressing the softkey


again. All tubings up to the pipetting tip will have been filled at

the end of the initializing procedure.

7 Use pipetting handle for preparation of diluted solutions

Select dialog page "DOSIMATS".

Select desired Dosimat and set parameters

C.init std


C.end dilution


V.end dilution

for preparing a diluted solution (details see section


Put the pipetting handle into the waste beaker so that the pipetting tip is

at about the same level as the container with the concentrated solution

(e.g. standard) and press the softkey


If the dilution is carried out for the first time or if the previous dilution has

been terminated by (see below), the message


Dosimat #X

appears. Press the black button on the handle.

After automatic aspiration of the dilution solution from the reagent bottle

the message

Aspirating standard

appears. Put the pipetting handle

into the concentrated solution with the pipetting tip immersed ca.


5 mm and press the black button on the handle.

After aspiration of the concentrated solution the message



appears. Put the pipetting handle into the desired void con-

tainer with the pipetting tip touching the wall and press the black button

on the handle.

Concentrated and dilution solution are dispensed into the void container.

Afterwards the message

Next operation


press to break


pears. If you press the black button on the handle or , the Do-

simat will be ready for another dilution, if you press , the Dosimat

is switched to the exchange position.