6 kfc - stop conditions, 7 kfc - conditioning, Stop conditions – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual
Page 855: Conditioning
5 Method
tiamo 2.4
KFC - Stop conditions
Tab: Method
▶ KFC ▶ Properties... ▶ Stop conditions
Command name
Name of the command.
25 characters
The conditions for stopping the titration are defined on this tab.
Stop time
Stop when the entered time has elapsed since the start of the titration.
off means no stop.
Input range
1 - 999999 s
Default value
KFC - Conditioning
Tab: Method
▶ KFC ▶ Properties... ▶ Conditioning
Command name
Name of the command.
25 characters
on | off (Default value: on)
Enable/Disable the conditioning. If the conditioning is disabled, the follow-
ing parameters are not visible.
Start drift
The determination can only be started when the currently measured drift
is less than the start drift entered here. In such cases, the Status in the
Run subwindow displayed on the Single determination or Determina-
tion series tab will then switch to COND READY.
Input range
1 - 999 µg/min
Default value
20 µg/min
Drift correction
If this parameter is set to automatic or manual the drift correction ( =
Drift value × Time for drift correction) caused by empty consumption
during titration is deducted from the total consumption. The Time for
drift correction is the period between end of conditioning and end of