Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual
Page 1711
tiamo 2.4
MOVE .................................. 1215
Automatic solution exchange
....................................... 1098
Command variables ........ 1215
Overview ........................ 1215
Move angle .......................... 1216
Multiplication ........................... 59
Natural logarithm ..................... 71
Audit Trail ....................... 1355
Determination overview .... 300
Report template ............... 227
New features in tiamo 2.4 ........ 10
Normal track .................. 432, 451
Not equal to ............................. 69
Number of buffers ................ 1140
Number of single determinations
............................................... 443
Number of standards .. 1116, 1130
NumberToText ......................... 79
NumberToTime ........................ 79
Offset potential 1344, 1345,
Offset voltage ....................... 1348
Online help ................................. 9
Operation ................................... 2
Addition ............................. 57
AND ................................... 61
Division .............................. 60
Equal to .............................. 64
Greater than ....................... 65
Greater than or equal to ..... 66
Less than ............................ 67
Less than or equal to .......... 68
Multiplication ..................... 59
Not equal to ....................... 69
OR ...................................... 63
Overview ............................ 56
Potentiation ........................ 61
Subtraction ......................... 58
Configuration ................. 1349
Dialog language ............. 1350
Emergency stop .............. 1350
Save ............................... 1351
OR ........................................... 63
Output line
CTRL command .............. 1259
Templates ....................... 1338
Output signal ....................... 1260
Overlay curves ........................ 346
Print ................................. 347
Show ............................... 346
Change .............................. 23
Entry .................................. 22
General .............................. 21
Security settings ............. 1313
Start password ......... 23, 1310
Password protection ....... 21, 1313
Pause 466, 492, 520, 546, 575,
601, 628, 654, 680, 702, 724,
747, 769, 792, 813, 834, 850,
Pause key ............................... 147
PDF output ........................... 1351
Periodic system ......................... 90
pH calibration ....................... 1336
pK value 477, 503, 531, 557, 586,
pK/HNP evaluation 477, 503, 531,
557, 586, 612, 638, 665, 929
Polarization current 516, 624,
743, 788, 831, 847, 967
Polarization voltage 543, 765,
Port ...................................... 1204
Potentiation ............................. 61
Potentiometric evaluation 474,
501, 528, 555, 584, 610, 636, 662
PREP ..................................... 1207
Command variables ........ 1207
Overview ........................ 1207
Properties ....................... 1208
Exchange unit parameters
............................. 1385, 1389
Print ....................................... 340
Audit Trail ....................... 1366
Common variables .......... 1438
Determination overview 340,
Device list ....................... 1372
Global variables .............. 1447
List of colorimetric sensors
....................................... 1426
List of racks .................... 1462
List of solutions .............. 1377
List of the sample solutions (TC
conductivity) ................... 1456
Report .............................. 341
Sensor list ....................... 1401
Priority rules ............................. 57
Program administration
Backup directories .......... 1323
Clients ............................ 1325
General .......................... 1322
Licenses ................ 1325, 1327
Program part
Configuration ........... 20, 1295
Database .......................... 191
Method ...................... 20, 399
Workplace .................... 19, 94
Program parts .......................... 18
Overview ............................ 18
Program versions ........................ 8
PSE ........................................... 90
Pulse length .......................... 1338
Pump ................................... 1226
PUMP ................................... 1225
Command variables ........ 1225
Overview ........................ 1225
Properties ....................... 1226
Quick access ............... 1296, 1298
Quick filter
Audit Trail ....................... 1359
Determination overview .... 306
RACK ................................... 1231
Command variables ........ 1231
Overview ........................ 1231
Properties ....................... 1232
Rack code ............................ 1468
New rack ........................ 1462
Rack properties ............... 1463
Rack table ...................... 1460
Rack data
Adding new rack ............ 1462
Attached rack 1472, 1486,
1501, 1514, 1525, 1532, 1543
Configuration ................. 1460
Deleting rack .................. 1462
Edit special beaker ......... 1466
Editing properties ........... 1463
Export ............................ 1327
General .......................... 1460
Import ............................ 1330
Lift positions ................... 1464
Lift positions (774) .......... 1468
Printing list of racks ........ 1462
Properties for 774 ........... 1468
Rack parameters ............. 1463