11 backup methods, Backup methods 1 – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual

Page 1687

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9 How to proceed?

tiamo 2.4



6 Click on the menu item File

Print (PDF)....

The dialog window Print method reports (PDF) opens.

7 Select desired report and orientation and click on [OK].

The desired report is opened as PDF file.


Backup methods

How to proceed?

Methods are stored in the configuration database and globally accessible
for all clients. This means that in order to save methods the configuration
data must be saved manually or automatically. A further possible way is to
export the methods and then to save these files outside of tiamo.

Backing up configuration data manually

1 Select program part Configuration.

2 Click on the menu item File

Backup Manually.

The dialog window Backup configuration data manually opens.

3 In the field Backup directory select a directory for the backup.

4 Select or enter the name for the Backup file. If an existing backup

file is selected it will be overwritten.


If the backup directory is on a network drive, the backup date
should be added manually to the Backup name because the
backup date information is not available when the directory is

5 Click on [Start].

6 The manual backup of the configuration database is started.