Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual

Page 630

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5.6 Commands




tiamo 2.4

Input range

1.0 - 2000.0 mV/mL

Default value

25.0 mV/mL

Break point evaluation


This evaluation method is possible only with Titrando and 855.

Break-point evaluation

on | off (Default value: off)

A break-point evaluation is used to determine sharp changes of direction
in the titration curve.

EP criterion

Measure of the minimum sharpness of the break-point. The smaller the EP
criterion set, the more break-points will be found. As this is a relative value
related to the total measured value alteration, even small changes in the
measured value can be evaluated as a break-point for a small measured
value range.

Input range

0 - 1.0

Default value



Minimum difference between the slope before and after the break-point.
The smaller the difference, the more break-points will be found.

Input range

0.0 - 10.0

Default value


Smoothing factor

The higher the smoothing factor, the fewer endpoints will be found.

Input range

2 - 20

Default value



A range (window) can be defined on the measured value axis, on the vol-
ume axis or on the time axis. The break-point evaluation will only be car-
ried out in the defined window. Only the first break-point in the defined
window will be recognized.


Measured value | Volume | Time | off

Default value
