4 properties - tower, Properties - tower # 9 – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual
Page 1515

7 Devices
tiamo 2.4
Properties - Tower #
Tab: Configuration
▶ Devices ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties... ▶ Properties - 'Device type' -
'Device name'
▶ Tower #
On the tab Tower the properties of the tower and of the robotic arm
connected to are displayed.
Tower parameters
Max. stroke path
Entry of the lowest permitted lift position. A lift height of 0 mm corre-
sponds to the "Home position", i.e. the lift is moved right to the top.
Input range
0 - 235 mm
Default value
235 mm
Min. beaker radius
Definition of the minimum radius which the beakers used on the rack
must have. If the lift is moved to the work position the beaker radii
defined in Rack table(see Chapter, page 1460) for general
Sample positions(see Chapter, page 1463) and Special beak-
ers(see Chapter, page 1465) will be compared with the Min.
beaker radius. If this minimum beaker radius is undercut then the run
will be stopped and an error message will appear. With off no check will
be made.
1.0 … 100.0 mm | off
Default value
Lift rate
Lift speed for manual operation.
Input range
3 - 25 mm/s
Default value
25 mm/s
Axial distance
Distance between the axis of rotation of the sample rack and swing axis of
the robotic arm.
Input range
100.0 - 300.0 mm
814 USB Sample Processor
166.0 mm
Default value
166.0 mm