2 cal spec - general/hardware – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual
Page 1127
5 Method
tiamo 2.4
Coefficient c3 of the calibration curve
Status of the calibration: 1 = calibrated normally,
0 = canceled, because reference wavelength was
not found.
Total duration for the processing of the command in
Type of stop with which the command was stopped:
1 = stopped normally, 0 = stopped manually
with [Quit] or [Stop] .
Measured wavelength of the calibration point in nm.
If no measured peak can be assigned, then not
found will be entered.
Reference wavelength of the calibration point in nm.
Command status: 1 = Command has been ended
at least once, 0 = Command was started but
not ended, invalid = Command was not started
(variable not available).
Tolerance within which a measured peak can be
assigned to a calibration wavelength.
CAL Spec - General/Hardware
Tab: Method
▶ CAL Spec ▶ Properties... ▶ General/Hardware
Command name
Name of the command.
25 characters
The general parameters for the instrument are defined on this tab.
Device name
Selection of a device from those available in the device table. Only devices
with which the command can be executed are available.
In two-channel measurements, i.e. in a master/slave setup, only master
spectrometers can be selected.
In one-channel measurements, i.e. no master/slave setup, only instru-
ments for which the entry not defined is selected under Device assign-
ment in the configuration can be selected.