4 properties - rack, Properties - rack 2 – Metrohm tiamo 2.4 Manual User Manual

Page 1548

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7.9 774 Oven Sample Processor




tiamo 2.4

Beaker sensor

Shows whether the beaker sensor for the tower is switched on or off.
Each time that a sample position is moved to the beaker sensor checks
whether a beaker is present or not.


Properties - Rack

Tab: Configuration

Device [Edit] Properties... Properties - 'Device type' -

'Device name'


On the tab Rack the rack-specific data of the attached rack are shown.

Rack name

Shows the name of the rack attached. If no rack is in position then "-----"
is shown.

Rack code

Shows the rack code of the rack attached. The rack code corresponds to
the arrangement of magnets on the base of the rack and is read in by the
Sample Processor in order to recognize the rack. If no rack is in position
then the display will be empty.

Number of positions

Shows the number of positions on the rack. If no rack is in position then
the display will be empty.

Shift rate

Sample rack speed of rotation for manual operation.

Input range

3 - 20 °/s

Default value

20 °/s

[Rack Data]

Opens the dialog window Rack data (see Chapter, page 1463)
or Rack data (774) (see Chapter, page 1468) in which the data
of the rack attached can be displayed and edited.

[Initialize rack]

Initializes the attached rack. This resets the rack, the lift and the robotic
arm, reads out the rack code and transfers the corresponding rack data to
the Sample Processor.