Displaying vpls auto-discovery information, Displaying information about bgp l2vpn vpls routes, Displaying – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 799: Vpls auto-discovery information

Brocade1# show mpls vpls name c1
VPLS c1, Id 10, Max mac entries: 8192
Total vlans: 0, Tagged ports: 0 (0 Up), Untagged ports 0 (0 Up)
Total VPLS peers: 1 (0 Operational)
auto-discovery enabled, RD 10:10
export RT 10:10
import RT 10:10
Peer address: (auto-discovered), State: Wait for functional local ports
Tnnl in use: None
LDP session: Up, Local VC lbl: 983040, Remote VC lbl: N/A
Local VC MTU: 1500, Remote VC MTU: 0
CPU-Protection: OFF
Local Switching: Enabled
Brocade1# show mpls vpls name c2
VPLS c2, Id 20, Max mac entries: 8192
Total vlans: 0, Tagged ports: 0 (0 Up), Untagged ports 0 (0 Up)
Total VPLS peers: 1 (0 Operational)
auto-discovery enabled, RD 10:20
export RT 10:20
import RT 10:20
Peer address: (auto-discovered), State: Wait for functional local ports
Tnnl in use: None
LDP session: Up, Local VC lbl: 983072, Remote VC lbl: N/A
Local VC MTU: 1500, Remote VC MTU: 0
CPU-Protection: OFF
Local Switching: Enabled
Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide
Displaying VPLS auto-discovery information
Displaying VPLS auto-discovery information
The user can display the following information about the VPLS auto-discovery configuration:
L2VPN VPLS address family and associated routes
VPLS auto-discovered peers
Load balancing status for VPLS auto-discovered peers
LDP configuration, including the loopback interface and router ID
Displaying information about BGP L2VPN VPLS routes
The user can use the show ip bgp l2vpn vpls command with the parameters listed in
view information related to BGP L2VPN VPLS routes.
Parameters for CLI command show ip bgp l2vpn vpls
For details, see...
A.B.C.D or A.B.C.D/L
(route IP address)
The BGP L2VPN VPLS routes for a particular IP route
AS-path attribute entries
Details about TCP and BGP neighbor connections
Details about the route distinguisher
Information about BGP L2VPN VPLS routes
A summary of the BGP L2VPN VPLS neighbor status