Specifying vpls peers – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 481
Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide
Configuring VPLS instances
The name name parameter clears all entries associated with the named VPLS instance.
The id vpls-vcid parameter clears all entries associated with the specified VPLS VCID.
The ethernet portnum parameter clears all local MAC entries on the specified port.
The label label parameter clears all entries associated with a local VC label.
Specifying the maximum number of VPLS instances on the device
By default, the maximum number of VPLS instances is 512 on a Brocade MLX series device and
2048 on a Brocade NetIron XMR device. The configured maximum number of VPLS instances has
an effect on the size of the label range for each VPLS instance. The label range is the set of labels
that the VPLS instance can assign to its peers for use as the peer’s local VC label.
The product of the maximum number of VPLS instances and the label range is always equal
65536. This means that when the maximum number of VPLS instances is 2048, then the label
range is 32; when the maximum number of VPLS instances is 8192, then the label range is eight;
and so on.
To change the maximum number of number of VPLS instances to 8192, enter the following
Brocade(config)# system-max vpls-num 8192
Syntax: system-max vpls-num number-of-VPLS-instances
The user must reload the system for this command to take effect.
The user can display the configured maximum number of VPLS instances, as well as the size of the
label range, with the show mpls vpls summary command.
Specifying VPLS peers
Starting with netIron Release 04.0.00, the implementation of BGP-based auto-discovery for VPLS
(also called VPLS auto-discovery) eliminates the need for manual configuration of VPLS peers for
every VPLS instance configured on the device.
As part of the VPLS configuration, the user specifies the IP address of each VPLS peer. VPLS
requires a full mesh of tunnel LSPs; each PE router must have tunnel LSP reachability to each of its
VPLS peers. Tunnel LSP reachability is defined as having at least one operational RSVP- or
LDP-signalled LSP with the destination (the ‘to” address of the LSP) matching the VPLS peer’s IP
address. An LSP terminating on the VPLS peer but configured with a different destination address
would not be considered a match.