Displaying ospf trap status for a vrf, Displaying ospf virtual links for a vrf – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide



Displaying additional BGP or MPLS VPN information


The vrf-name variable identifies the VRF for which the user wants to display OSPF sham links

Displaying OSPF trap status for a VRF

To display the state (enabled or disabled) of the OSPF traps for a specified VRF, enter the following
command at any CLI level.

Brocade# show ip ospf vrf green trap

Interface State Change Trap: Enabled

Virtual Interface State Change Trap: Enabled

Neighbor State Change Trap: Enabled

Virtual Neighbor State Change Trap: Enabled

Interface Configuration Error Trap: Enabled

Virtual Interface Configuration Error Trap: Enabled

Interface Authentication Failure Trap: Enabled

Virtual Interface Authentication Failure Trap: Enabled

Interface Receive Bad Packet Trap: Enabled

Virtual Interface Receive Bad Packet Trap: Enabled

Interface Retransmit Packet Trap: Disabled

Virtual Interface Retransmit Packet Trap: Disabled

Originate LSA Trap: Disabled

Originate MaxAge LSA Trap: Disabled

Link State Database Overflow Trap: Disabled

Link State Database Approaching Overflow Trap: Disabled

Syntax: show ip ospf vrf vrf-name trap

The vrf-name parameter specifies the VRF that the user wants to display OSPF trap status for.

Displaying OSPF virtual links for a VRF

To display the OSPF virtual links information for a specified VRF, enter the following command at
any level of the CLI.

Brocade# show ip ospf vrf green virtual-link

No ospf virtual-link entries available

Syntax: show ip ospf vrf vrf-name virtual-link [num]

The vrf-name parameter specifies the VRF that the user wants to display OSPF virtual links
information for.

The num parameter displays the table beginning at the specified entry number.