Configuring the announce metric, Configuring the relative, Metric – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

Page 625: Configuring the relative metric

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Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide



IS-IS shortcuts


To enable announce, enter the following command on an LSP that is not yet enabled.

Brocade(config-mpls-lsp-tomu3)# shortcuts isis level2 announce

When the tunnel is enabled, disable it before enabling announce, then re-enable the tunnel. For

Brocade(config-mpls-lsp-tomu3)# disable

Disconnecting signaled LSP tomu3

Brocade(config-mpls-lsp-tomu3)# shortcuts isis level2 announce

Brocade(config-mpls-lsp-tomu3)# enable

Connecting signaled LSP tomu3

These commands enable the system to advertise IS-IS shortcuts. Since an announce metric is not
explicitly specified in this example, IS-IS uses the default announce metric of 10. To configure an
announce metric other than 10, refer to

“Configuring the announce metric”


Syntax: [no] shortcuts isis level1 | level2 announce

Enter the [no] form of the command to disable advertisement of IS-IS shortcuts. IS-IS shortcuts are
still enabled, but are no longer advertised in the IS-IS database.

Configuring the announce metric

The announce metric is described in

“The announce metric”

on page


To configure an announce metric, enter a command such as the following at the MPLS LSP level of
the CLI.

Brocade(config-mpls-lsp-tomu3)# shortcuts isis level2 announce announce-metric 20

Syntax: [no] shortcuts isis level1 | level2 announce announce-metric num

Enter the [no] form of the command to return to the default announce metric value of 10. IS-IS
shortcuts are still enabled, however the [no] form of the command simply reverts to the default
announce metric.

For num, enter a value from 1 – 16777215. The default is 10.

The announce metric is displayed in the output of the show isis shortcuts command. When the LSP
tunnel is not announced, a – (dash) is displayed in the announce metric field.

Configuring the relative metric

The relative metric is described in

“The relative metric”

on page


When announce is not enabled and a metric is not explicitly configured under the LSP configuration
mode of the CLI, the relative metric is used to compute the shortcut cost.

To configure the relative metric, enter a command such as the following at the MPLS LSP level of
the CLI.

Brocade(config-mpls-lsp-tomu3)# shortcuts isis level2 relative-metric -5