Mpls interfaces – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 36
Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide
IS-IS Link State Protocol data units with TE extensions for MPLS interfaces
The following events trigger the device to send out OSPF-TE LSAs:
Change in the interface’s administrative group membership
Change in the interface’s maximum available bandwidth or maximum reservable bandwidth
Significant change in unreserved bandwidth per priority level:
If for any priority level, the difference between the previously advertised unreserved
bandwidth and the current unreserved bandwidth exceeds five percent of the maximum
reservable bandwidth
Any changes while the total reserved bandwidth exceeds 95 percent of the maximum
reservable bandwidth
In addition, OSPF-TE LSAs can be triggered by OSPF; for example, when an interface’s link state is
changed. When an interface is no longer enabled for MPLS, the device stops sending out OSPF-TE
LSAs for the interface.
IS-IS Link State Protocol data units with TE extensions for
MPLS interfaces
An MPLS-enabled device running IS-IS can be configured to send out Link State Protocol (LSP) data
units that contain special extensions to support Traffic Engineering (TE). (In this section — and
nowhere else in this chapter — LSP is the acronym for Link State Protocol. In other sections, LSP
means Label Switched Path.) These LSPs are composed of a fixed header and a number of tuples
known as Type/Length/Value triplets (TLVs). LSPs that are used for traffic engineering contain a
new object called a sub-TLV. Sub-TLVs are similar to regular TLVs except that, where regular TLVs
exist inside IS-IS packets, sub-TLVs reside within regular TLVs. Each sub-TLV consists of three fields:
a one-octet Type field, a one-octet Length field, and zero or more octets of Value.
These LSPs are flooded throughout the IS-IS domain. LSRs that receive the IS-IS LSPs with TE
extensions place the traffic engineering information into a Traffic Engineering Database (TED),
which maintains topology data about the nodes and links in the MPLS domain.
IS-IS LSPs have special extensions that contain information related to traffic engineering and are
described in RFC 3784. The extensions consist of Type/Length/Value triplets (sub-TLVs) containing
the following information:
IP address of the local interface for the link
IP address of the remote interface for the link (for point-to-point adjacencies)
Traffic engineering metric for the link (by default, this is equal to the IS-IS link cost)
Maximum bandwidth on the interface
Maximum reservable bandwidth on the interface
Unreserved bandwidth on the interface
Administrative groups to which the interface belongs
When configured to do so, the device sends out IS-IS LSPs with TE extensions for each of its
MPLS-enabled interfaces. The user can optionally specify the maximum amount of bandwidth that
can be reserved on an interface, as well as assign interfaces to administrative groups. Refer to
“Setting traffic engineering parameters for MPLS interfaces”
Any of the following events trigger the device to send out IS-IS LSPs with a TE extension:
Change in the interface’s administrative group membership.