Enabling mpls vpls traps, Disabling syslog messages for mpls vpls, Vpls extended counters – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) Configuration Guide


Enabling MPLS VPLS traps


Enabling MPLS VPLS traps

The user can enable traps that are generated for MPLS VPLS by entering the following command.

Brocade(config)# snmp-server enable trap mpls vpls

Syntax: [no] snmp-server enable trap mpls vpls

Refer to the Unified IP MIB Reference for MPLS VPLS trap notifications.

Disabling Syslog messages for MPLS VPLS

The generation of Syslog messages for MPLS VPLS and MPLS VLL Local is enabled by default.
When the user wants to disable the logging of these events, enter the following command.

Brocade(config)# no logging enable mpls

Syntax: [no] logging enable mpls

VPLS extended counters

With the support of ingress and egress port VLAN counters on the Brocade MLXe series 8x10G
module, the port VLAN counters are enabled by default for all the VPLS instances. As a result, the
user can count the number of packets and bytes that are received and sent on a particular
endpoint or all the endpoints of the VPLS instances. The user can also count per-priority statistics
on each endpoint by enabling per-VLAN, port, and priority-based accounting mode on the ingress
and egress counters at the global configuration level.


The extended counters for dual tag endpoints are not supported both on the ingress and egress

To disable the extended counters globally for all the VPLS instances, enter the following command.

Brocade(config-mpls)# vpls-policy

Brocade(config-mpls-vpls-policy)# no extended-counters

Syntax: [no] extended-counters

When the extended counters are disabled globally, the user can enable the extended counters for a
particular VPLS instance by entering the following command.

Brocade(config-mpls-vpls-test10)# extended-counters on

Syntax: [no] extended-counters [on | off]