Rockwell Automation GMLC Reference Manual User Manual

Page 524

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Publication GMLC-5.2 - November 1999


Analog Offset Error

Analog_Offset_error is the position error between the selected axis’
actual analog position, and the setpoint that was input in an Analog Offset
function block’s Setpoint field.

In the Tag Explorer, select both Axis System Variables and the desired
axis, then select Analog_Offset_error in the Tag Window.

PCAM Auto Correction Distance To Go

PCAM_auto_correction_to_go is the auto-correction indexer’s remaining
correction distance to go, for a position-lock cam slave axis with auto-
correction enabled.

In the Tag Explorer, select both Axis System Variables and the desired
servo axis, then select PCAM_auto_correction_to_go in the Tag Window.

Although you must select a slave axis in the Tag Explorer, the
PCAM_auto_correction_to_go value is returned as a signed (±) value in
position units of the corresponding position-lock cam master axis. The
sign of the returned value indicates the direction in which the slave axis is
currently correcting.

Unlike other motion variables, you can change
PCAM_auto_correction_to_go using an equation block. This is useful to
add a small manual correction to an auto-correcting position-lock cam
while it is running. The following Equation block adds the value of the
user variable Tweak to the position-lock cam auto-correction distance to
go for Axis 1.