Debug hardware dev-amtrdrv, Debug hardware dev-rm, Debug hardware dev-amtrdrv debug hardware dev-rm – Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide (Supporting R2.2.0.0) User Manual

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Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide



Debug Commands

debug hardware dev-amtrdrv

This command shows all MAC entries maintained by the address table management driver
(operating in the system ASIC), including the MAC address table and the VLAN mapping table.


debug hardware dev-amtrdrv {mac-table | vidx-table}

mac-table –Displays all MAC address entries.

vidx-table – Displays all multicast entries.

Command Mode
Privileged Exec

Command Usage

This switch has only one MAC chip, so the chip ID is not specified.

The VLAN index table is updated prior to writing entries to the chip.


Console#debug hardware dev-amtrdrv mac-table

MAC Vid Unit/Port IsTrunk TrunkId Is_Static age_flag Idx

----------------- ---- --------- ------- ------- --------- -------- -----

74-8E-F8-68-02-30 1 1/2 0 0 1 0 40

00-E0-29-94-34-64 1 1/1 0 0 0 1 41

00-E0-0C-10-90-07 1 1/1 0 0 0 1 3108

00-E0-0C-10-90-00 1 1/1 0 0 0 1 13348

4 records


Console#debug hardware dev-amtrdrv vidx-table

vidx vlan MAC Used

---- ---- ----------------- ----

0 1 01-00-5E-01-01-01 1

1 5 01-00-5E-02-01-01 1

2 5 01-00-5E-02-01-02 1

3 5 01-00-5E-02-01-03 1

4 5 01-00-5E-02-01-04 1

5 5 01-00-5E-02-01-05 1


debug hardware dev-rm

This command shows all rule-managed device driver information, including access control entries
and policy control lists.


debug hardware dev-rm {dev-rm-om | meter-ref-table | meter-table | pcl-table | rule-status}

dev-rm-om – Shows rule-managed device driver layer database.

meter-ref-table – Shows active meter configuration information.

meter-table – Shows all meter configuration information.