Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide (Supporting R2.2.0.0) User Manual

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Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide



Connectivity Fault Management

If a maintenance point receives a CCM with an invalid MEPID or MA level or an MA level lower
than its own, a failure is registered which indicates a configuration error or cross-connect error
(i.e., overlapping MAs).

The interval at which CCMs are issued should be configured to detect connectivity problems in
a timely manner, as dictated by the nature and size of the MA.

The maintenance of a MIP CCM database by a MIP presents some difficulty for bridges carrying
a large number of Service Instances, and for whose MEPs are issuing CCMs at a high
frequency. For this reason, slower CCM transmission rates may have to be used.

These parameters are displayed:

Creating a Maintenance Association

MD Index – Domain index. (Range: 1-65535)

MA Index – MA identifier. (Range: 1-2147483647)

MA Name – MA name. (Range: 1-43 alphanumeric characters, maximum length is 44 minus
the length of the domain name)
Each MA name must be unique within the CFM domain.

Primary VLAN – Service VLAN ID. (Range: 1-4093)
This is the VLAN through which all CFM functions are executed for this MA.

MIP Creation Type – Specifies the CFM protocol’s creation method for maintenance
intermediate points (MIPs) in this MA:

Default – MIPs can be created for this MA on any bridge port through which the MA’s VID
can pass.

Explicit – MIPs can be created for this MA only on bridge ports through which the MA’s VID
can pass, and only if a maintenance end point (MEP) is created at some lower MA Level.

None – No MIP can be created for this MA.

Configuring Detailed Settings for a Maintenance Association

MD Index – Domain index. (Range: 1-65535)

MA Index – MA identifier. (Range: 1-2147483647)

MA Name Format – Specifies the name format for the maintenance association as IEEE
802.1ag character based, or ITU-T SG13/SG15 Y.1731 defined ICC-based format.

Character StringIEEE 802.1ag defined character string format. This is an IETF RFC 2579

ICC BasedITU-T SG13/SG15 Y.1731 defined ICC based format.

Interval Level – The delay between sending CCMs. The setting for this parameter is expressed
as levels 4 through 7, which in turn map to specific intervals of time. (Options: 4 - 1 second,
5 - 10 seconds, 6 - 1 minute, 7 - 10 minutes)

Connectivity Check – Enables transmission of CCMs. (Default: Disabled)

Cross Check – Enables cross-checking between a static list of MEPs assigned to other devices
within the same maintenance association and the MEPs learned through CCMs.
Before starting the cross-check process, first configure the remote MEPs that exist on other
devices inside the maintenance association using the Remote MEP List (see


Remote Maintenance End Points"

). These remote MEPs are used in the cross-check operation

to verify that all endpoints in the specified MA are operational.