Neighbor discovery, Ipv6 nd dad attempts – Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide (Supporting R2.2.0.0) User Manual
Page 679

Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide
IPv6 Interface
The same link-local address may be used by different interfaces/nodes in different zones (RFC
4007). Therefore, when specifying a link-local address, include zone-id information indicating
the VLAN identifier after the % delimiter. For example, FE80::7272%1 identifies VLAN 1 as the
interface from which the ping is sent.
A trace terminates when the destination responds, when the maximum timeout (TTL) is
exceeded, or the maximum number of hops is exceeded.
The traceroute command first sends probe datagrams with the TTL value set at one. This
causes the first router to discard the datagram and return an error message. The trace
function then sends several probe messages at each subsequent TTL level and displays the
round-trip time for each message. Not all devices respond correctly to probes by returning an
“ICMP port unreachable” message. If the timer goes off before a response is returned, the
trace function prints a series of asterisks and the “Request Timed Out” message. A long
sequence of these messages, terminating only when the maximum timeout has been reached,
may indicate this problem with the target device.
Console#traceroute6 FE80::2E0:CFF:FE00:FB%1
Press "ESC" to abort.
Traceroute to FE80::2E0:CFF:FE00:FB%1, 30 hops max, timeout is 3 seconds, 5 max
failure(s) before termination.
Hop Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 3 IPv6 Address
--- -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------------
1 1000 ms 10 ms 10 ms FE80::2E0:CFF:FE00:FB
Trace completed.
Neighbor Discovery
ipv6 nd dad attempts
This command configures the number of consecutive neighbor solicitation messages sent on an
interface during duplicate address detection. Use the no form to restore the default setting.
ipv6 nd dad attempts count
no ipv6 nd dad attempts
count - The number of neighbor solicitation messages sent to determine whether or not a
duplicate address exists on this interface. (Range: 0-600)
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (VLAN)
Command Usage
Configuring a value of 0 disables duplicate address detection.