Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide (Supporting R2.2.0.0) User Manual
Page 408

Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide
Spanning Tree Commands
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
Use the show spanning-tree command with no parameters to display the spanning tree
configuration for the switch for the Common Spanning Tree (CST) and for every interface in the
Use the show spanning-tree interface command to display the spanning tree configuration for
an interface within the Common Spanning Tree (CST).
Use the show spanning-tree mst command to display the spanning tree configuration for all
instances within the Multiple Spanning Tree (MST), including global settings and settings for
active interfaces.
Use the show spanning-tree mst instance-id command to display the spanning tree
configuration for an instance within the Multiple Spanning Tree (MST), including global settings
and settings for all interfaces.
For a description of the items displayed under “Spanning-tree information,” see
on page 789. For a description of the items displayed for specific
interfaces, see
“Displaying Interface Settings for STA”
Console#show spanning-tree
Spanning Tree Information
Spanning Tree Mode : MSTP
Spanning Tree Enabled/Disabled : Enabled
Instance : 0
VLANs Configured : 1-4093
Priority : 32768
Bridge Hello Time (sec.) : 2
Bridge Max. Age (sec.) : 20
Bridge Forward Delay (sec.) : 15
Root Hello Time (sec.) : 2
Root Max. Age (sec.) : 20
Root Forward Delay (sec.) : 15
Max. Hops : 20
Remaining Hops : 20
Designated Root : 32768.0.0001ECF8D8C6
Current Root Port : 21
Current Root Cost : 100000
Number of Topology Changes : 5
Last Topology Change Time (sec.): 11409
Transmission Limit : 3
Path Cost Method : Long
Flooding Behavior : To VLAN
Cisco Prestandard : Disabled
Eth 1/ 1 Information
Admin Status : Enabled
Role : Disabled
State : Discarding