Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide (Supporting R2.2.0.0) User Manual

Page 124

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Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide



File Management

Command Mode
Privileged Exec

Command Usage

The system prompts for data required to complete the copy command.

The destination file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), and the maximum length for file
names is 32 characters for files on the switch or 127 characters for files on the server. (Valid
characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”)

The switch supports only two operation code files, but the maximum number of user-defined
configuration files is 16.

You can use “Factory_Default_Config.cfg” as the source to copy from the factory default
configuration file, but you cannot use it as the destination.

To replace the startup configuration, you must use startup-config as the destination.

For information on specifying an https-certificate, see

“Replacing the Default Secure-site


on page 874. For information on configuring the switch to use HTTPS for a secure

connection, see the

ip http secure-server


When logging into an FTP/SFTP server, the interface prompts for a user name and password
configured on the remote server. Note that “Anonymous” is set as the default user name.

Secure Shell FTP (SFTP) provides a method of transferring files between two network devices
over an SSH2-secured connection. SFTP functions similar to Secure Copy (SCP), using SSH for
user authentication and data encryption.

Although the underlying premises of SFTP are similar to SCP, it requires some additional steps
to verify the protocol versions and perform security checks. SFTP connection setup includes
verification of the DSS signature, creation of session keys, creation of client-server and
server-client ciphers, SSH key exchange, and user authentication. An SFTP channel is then
opened, the SFTP protocol version compatibility verified, and SFTP finally initialized.

The reload command will not be accepted during copy operations to flash memory.

The following example shows how to download new firmware from a TFTP server:

Console#copy tftp file

TFTP server ip address:

Choose file type:

1. config; 2. opcode; 3. loader: 2

Source file name: m360.bix

Destination file name: m360.bix

\Write to FLASH Programming.

-Write to FLASH finish.



The following example shows how to upload the configuration settings to a file on the TFTP server:

Console#copy file tftp

Choose file type:

1. config: 2. opcode: 1

Source file name: startup

TFTP server ip address:

Destination file name: startup.01

TFTP completed.

