Show mvr6 members, Table 119 – Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide (Supporting R2.2.0.0) User Manual
Page 551
Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide
MVR for IPv6
show mvr6 members
This command shows information about the current number of entries in the forwarding database,
or detailed information about a specific multicast address.
show mvr6 [domain domain-id] members [ip-address]
domain-id - An independent multicast domain. (Range: 1-5)
ip-address - IPv6 address for an MVR multicast group.
Default Setting
Displays configuration settings for all domains and all forwarding entries.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
The following shows information about the number of multicast forwarding entries currently active
in domain 1:
Console#show mvr6 domain 1 members
MVR6 Domain : 1
MVR6 Forwarding Entry Count :1
The following example shows detailed information about a specific multicast address:
Console#show mvr6 domain 1 members ff00::1
MVR6 Domain : 1
MVR6 Forwarding Entry Count :1
Flag: S - Source port, R - Receiver port.
H - Host counts (number of hosts join the group on this port).
P - Port counts (number of ports join the group).
Up time: Group elapsed time (d:h:m:s).
Expire : Group remaining time (m:s).
Group Address VLAN Port Up time Expire Count
------------------------------ ---- ----------- ----------- ------ --------
FF00::1 1 2(P)
1 Eth1/ 1(S)
2 Eth1/ 2(S)
show mvr6 interface - display description
Shows interfaces attached to the MVR.
Shows the MVR port type.
Shows the MVR status and interface status. MVR status for source ports is
“ACTIVE” if MVR is globally enabled on the switch. MVR status for receiver ports is
“ACTIVE” only if there are subscribers receiving multicast traffic from one of the
MVR groups, or a multicast group has been statically assigned to an interface.
Shows if immediate leave is enabled or disabled.
Static Group Address
Shows any static MVR group assigned to an interface, and the receiver VLAN.