Port-based example 1, Port-based example 2, Port-based example 1 port-based example 2 – Allied Telesis AT-8100 Series User Manual
Page 907: Port-based vlan - example 1
AT-8100 Switch Command Line User’s Guide
Example 1
Figure 172 illustrates an example of one AT-8100 switch with three port-
based VLANs. (The Default VLAN is not shown in the following examples.)
Figure 172. Port-based VLAN - Example 1
The table below lists the port assignments for the Sales, Engineering, and
Production VLANs on the switch.
Each VLAN has a unique VID. You assign a VID number when you create
The ports have been assigned PVID values. A port’s PVID is assigned
automatically by the switch when you create the VLANs. The PVID of a
port is the same as the VID in which the port is an untagged member.
In the example, each VLAN has one port connected to the router. The
router interconnects the various VLANs and functions as a gateway to the
Example 2
Figure 173 on page 908 illustrates more port-based VLANs. In this
example, two VLANs, Sales and Engineering, span two switches.
Sales VLAN (VID 2)
Engineering VLAN
(VID 3)
Production VLAN
(VID 4)
AT-8100 Switch
Ports 1, 3 - 5
(PVID 2)
Ports 9, 11 - 13
(PVID 3)
Ports 17 - 19, 21
(PVID 4)