Spanning regions without blocking, Two region examples – Allied Telesis AT-8100 Series User Manual

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AT-8100 Switch Command Line User’s Guide


There are several ways to address this issue. The first is to have only one
MSTP region for each subnet in your network.

Another approach is to group those VLANs that need to span regions into
the same MSTI. In this case, VLANs that do not span regions can be
assigned to other MSTIs.

Here is an example. Assume that you have two regions that contain the
following VLANS:

The two regions share three VLANs: Technical Support, Product
Management, and Accounting. You can group these three VLANs into the
same MSTI in each region. For instance, for Region 1 you might group the
three VLANs in MSTI 11 and in Region 2 you could group them into MSTI
6. After they are grouped, you can connect the VLANs across the regions
using a link of untagged/tagged ports. See Figure 168.

Figure 168. Spanning Regions without Blocking

Table 95. Two Region Examples

Region 1 VLANs

Region 2 VLANs


Hardware Engineering


Software Engineering


Technical Support


Product Management

Technical Support

CAD Development

Product Management


Project Management
