Network configuration, Policy based routing (pbr), Chapter 7 – Brocade Mobility Access Point System Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual
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Brocade Mobility Access Point System Reference Guide
Network configuration
The access point allows packet routing customizations and additional route resources.
For more information on the network configuration options available to the access point, refer to
the following:
For configuration caveats specific to Configuration > Network path, refer to Network Deployment
Considerations on page 7-528.
Policy Based Routing (PBR)
Define a policy based routing (PBR) configuration to direct packets to selective paths. PBR can
optionally mark traffic for preferential services (QoS). PBR minimally provides the following:
A means to use source address, protocol, application and traffic class as traffic routing criteria
The ability to load balance multiple WAN uplinks
A means to selectively mark traffic for QoS optimization
Since PBR is applied to incoming routed packets, a route-map is created containing a set of filters
and associated actions. Based on the actions defined in the route-map, packets are forwarded to
the next relevant hop. Route-maps are configurable under a global policy called routing-policy, and
applied to profiles and devices.
Route-maps contain a set of filters which select traffic (match clauses) and associated actions (set
clauses) for routing. A route-map consists of multiple entries, each carrying a precedence value. An
incoming packet is matched against the route-map with the highest precedence (lowest numerical
value). If it matches, the routing decision is based on this route-map. If the packet does not match
the route-map, the route-map entry with next highest precedence is matched. If the incoming
packet does not match any of the route-map entries, it’s subjected to typical destination based
routing. Each route-map entry can optionally enable/disable logging.
The following criteria can optionally be used as traffic selection segregation criteria:
IP Access List - A typical IP ACL can be used for traffic permissions. The mark and log actions in
ACL rules however are neglected. Route-map entries have separate logging. Only one ACL can
be configured per route map entry.