2 functions of devices in dvp-plc – Delta Electronics Programmable Logic Controller DVP-PLC User Manual

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2 Functions of Devices in DVP-PLC

DVP-PLC Application Manual


1-phase 1 input, for

C235 ~ C242, C244, 9 points

1-phase 2 inputs, for

C246, C247, C249, 3 points

(SA/SX) 32-bit counting

up/down high-speed

counter C

2-phase 2 inputs, for

C251 ~ C254, 4 points

Total 16


1-phase 1 input, for

C235 ~ C245, 11 points

1-phase 2 inputs, for

C246 ~ C250, 4 points

(SC) 32-bit counting

up/down high-speed

counter C

2-phase 2 inputs, for

C251 ~ C255, 4 points

Can be modified to be
non-latched by setting up

Total 19


EH/EH2/SV series MPU:

16-bit counting up, for
general purpose

C0 ~ C99, 100 points. Can be modified to be latched by
setting up parameters.

16-bit counting up, for

C100 ~ C199, 100 points. Can be modified to be non-latched
area by setting up parameters.

32-bit counting
up/down, for general

C200 ~ C219, 20 points. Can be modified to be latched by
setting up parameters.

Counter C

32-bit counting
up/down, for latched

C220 ~ C234, 15 points. Can be modified to be non-latched
by setting up parameters.

Software 1-phase 1

C235 ~ C240, 6 points

Hardware 1-phase 1

C241 ~ C244, 4 points

Hardware 1-phase 2

C246 ~ C249, 4 points

32-bit counting up/down

high-speed counter C

Hardware 2-phase 2

C251 ~ C254, 4 points

Can be modified to be
non-latched by setting up


253 points

Features of counter:

16 bits counters

32 bits counters


General purpose

General purpose

High speed

Counting direction

Counting up

Counting up, counting down

Set value

0 ~ 32,767

-2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647

SV designation

Constant K or data register D

Constant K or data register D (designating 2 values)

Present value

Counting will stop when the SV is


Counter will continue when the SV is reached.

Output contact

On and being retained when the

counting reaches SV.

On and keeps being On when counting up reaches SV.

Reset to Off when counting down reaches SV.


PV will be return to 0 when RST instruction is executed and the contact will be reset to Off.

Contact action

Acts when the scanning is completed.

Acts when the scanning is


Acts immediately when the

counting reaches its target,

has nothing to do with the scan


Functions of counters:

When the pulse input signals of the counter go from Off to On and the present value in the counter equals the

set value, the output coil will be On. The set value should be a K value in decimal and the data register D can also be

a set value.

16-bit counters C0 ~ C199:

1. The setup range of 16-bit counter: K0 ~ K32,767. K0 is the same as K1. The output contact will be On

immediately when the first counting starts.

2. PV in the general purpose counter will be cleared when the power of the PLC is switched off. If the counter is a

latched type, the counter will retain the PV and contact status before the power is off and resume the counting