2 functions of devices in dvp-plc – Delta Electronics Programmable Logic Controller DVP-PLC User Manual

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2 Functions of Devices in DVP-PLC

DVP-PLC Application Manual









3. Parameter D0 when X7 = On

Start No. of D0

+ index value



Low 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X0.


High 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X0.


Low 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X1.


High 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X1.


Low 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X2.


High 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X2.


Low 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X3.


High 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X3.


Low 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X4.


High 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X4.


Low 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X5.


High 16 bits of the 32-bit speed detected at input point X5.


Remaining time for speed detection (unit: ms)

Function Group

X0 Detecting Pulse Width


M1084, D1023


When M1084 = On, X0 of ES/EX/SS_V6.4/SA/SX_V1.6/SC_V1.4 can detect pulse width. Whenever X0 turns from

“On” to “Off”, the value is updated once and stored in D1023 (unit: 0.1ms). The minimum detectable width is 0.1ms

and maximum 10,000ms.

Function Group

Communication Port Function


M1120, M1136, M1138, M1139, M1143, D1036, D1109, D1120


1. Supports

ES/EX/SS_V6.0/SA/SX_V1.2/SC_V1.0/EH_V1.1/SV_V1.0 and versions above.

2. COM ports (COM1: RS-232; COM2: RS-485) in SA/SX/SC series MPU and COM ports (COM1: RS-232; COM2:

RS-232/RS-485/RS-422) in EH/EH2 series MPU support Modbus ASCII/RTU communication format with speed

of up to 115,200bps. COM1 and COM2 can be used at the same time. COM3: RS-232/RS-485 in EH/EH2 series

MPU supports Modbus ASCII communication format with speed of up to 38,400bps.

COM1: For slave stations only. Supports ASCII/RTU communication format, adjustable baud rate with

speed of up to 115,200bps, and modification on data length (data bits, parity bits, stop bits).