Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
Page 966

Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual
VLL manager
6. Click the Get button to begin the search for the VLL name.
VLLs that match the filter criteria display under VLL Settings and Endpoint Settings.
The table shows the following information:
VCID of the VLL. This cell is blank for a local VLL.
Name of the VLL.
Status of the VLL:
All peers are up
All peers are down
Some peers are down
Conflict - Indicates if there are conflicts with VLL endpoint instances. Conflicts can arise,
especially with VLLs configured using the product CLI. If there are conflicts, this column
also indicates they type of conflict that exists:
Name mismatch - Name of the VLL in the two products are not the same
No endpoint - The VLL has no endpoint defined
Duplicate VCID - Another VLL is using the VCID
Peer is missing - A VLL peer is missing
VLL mode mismatch - VLL mode type between the two products are not the same
A Endpoint - The first endpoint of the VLL. It displays the product name, IP address where
the endpoint is configured, and the port name.
Z Endpoint - The second endpoint of the VLL. It displays the product name, IP address
where the endpoint is configured, and the port name.
7. Select a row in the table to display details for the selected VLL in the Details area.
VLL settings display the following information about a selected VLL in the fields below:
Name - The name of the VLL.
VLL Mode -
Tagged: A VLAN ID tag is added to the packets on the ingress router. When the packet
arrives at the egress router, the tag is stripped off and the packet is forwarded.
Raw: The ingress router does not add a VLAN ID to the packets.
Local VLL - Both VLL endpoints are on the same device.
Status -
All peers are up.
All peers are down.
Some peers are down.
VCID - The VCID of the VLL.
Endpoint Settings display the following information about the A Endpoint and Z Endpoint of the
selected VLL in the fields below:
Name - The endpoint device name and IP address.
COS - Class of Service associated with the endpoint.
VLL Mode -
Tagged: A VLAN ID tag is added to the packets on the ingress router. When the packet
arrives at the egress router, the tag is stripped off and the packet is forwarded.