Displaying vlans by products – Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual

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Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual


VLAN Manager


3. Select a VLAN to expand the list of products listed under that VLAN. Use the Search tool to find

VLANs, products, or ports quickly.

A VLAN may be listed several times. For example, the first three VLAN1s have only one product.
Each product in each VLAN is in its own broadcast domain and either does not have
connectivity with other products or FDP or LLDP is not enabled on that product.

The fourth VLAN1 has several products listed under it. All those products are in the same Layer
2 broadcast domain.

When a port VLAN is selected, the Edit, Delete, and STP buttons become available. At this
point, you can create or modify port VLANs, delete a port VLAN, configure STP or RSTP
definitions for IOS products, and configure STP, MSTP, RSTP, PVST, and RPVST definitions for
NOS products in standalone mode.

4. Click a product under a port VLAN to select it. The interfaces on that product that belong to the

VLAN are listed in the interface list.

The list shows the following information:

Port — The interface number. This can be a port number represented as a unit, slot
number or port number, or a virtual routing interface ID.

Port Type — A description of the type of interface on the product, for example,

Port Name — The name of the interface, if one was configured.

Port Mode — Indicates the tag mode of the interface. Tagged represents the port is in dual
mode but is in the tagged state for that particular VLAN. Untagged represents the port is
untagged for that particular VLAN. The third port mode is Converged.

STP — Indicates whether STP is enabled or disabled.

Path Cost — The STP cost of using the port to reach the root bridge.

Port Priority — The preference that STP gives this port relative to other ports for forwarding
traffic out of the spanning tree.

Classifiers — The VLAN Classifier group IDs associated with Access/Converged ports and
link aggregation groups.

Displaying VLANs by products

The Product View tab of the VLAN Manager dialog box presents the products that have been
discovered on the network and the VLANs that have been assigned to them.


Only products assigned to Management application areas of responsibility (AORs) are listed under
the VLANs in the Product View tab.

To view VLANs, complete the following steps.

1. Click the Product View tab in the VLAN Manager dialog box.

The Product View tab of the VLAN Manager dialog box displays (

Figure 313
