Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
Page 539

Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual
Port profiles
6. Select a product from the Available Products with Profiles list and click one of the following
match options as the comparison criteria. You can select multiple switches and fabrics.
MAC Match — Compares the MAC addresses in the reference profile to the MAC addresses
contained in the target profile (one profile at a time). The MAC address comparison
displays the following possible values:
Same — The MAC addresses in the reference and matched profiles are the same.
All Present — All of the MAC addresses in the reference profile are contained in the
target profile, but the target profile has some additional MAC addresses.
Some Present — Some of the MAC addresses in the reference profile are contained in
the target profile, but the target profile has more or fewer MAC addresses.
None Present — None of the MAC addresses in the reference profile are contained in
the target profile.
Name Match — Compares the original profile with the profile with the same name on the
target switch.
Network Match — Finds a profile on the target switch to provide the same networking
settings on the target switch.
Select a column or multiple columns in the Comparison Summary list, as shown in
, and
click Remove to remove it as matching criteria. The Reference Profile column cannot be removed.
Profile Comparison Summary list
Profile Properties
Match Type — The type of comparison criteria: MAC match, name
(profile name) match, or network match
Overall Match — The icon that signals if there is an exact match
(green circle icon) or a partial match (yellow triangle icon)
Profile Name — The profile name that is compared against the
target MAC address
Associated MAC Count — The number of associated MAC addresses
MAC Comparison — Indicates whether the compared MAC
addresses are the same or different
VLAN Settings
L2 Mode — The switch port mode of the port profile (access or
Configuration — One of the following VLAN configuration options:
All — Indicates that the port profile will allow all VLAN IDs
None — Indicates that the port profile will not allow any VLAN
All Except <VLAN IDs> — Indicates that the port profile will
allow any packet except the VLAN IDs specified
<VLAN IDs> — Indicates that the port profile will allow any
packet with the VLAN IDs specified
Untagged VLAN — The port VLAN assigned to the interface as
Tagged VLAN Count — The number of port VLANs assigned to the
interface as tagged
Tagged VLAN Comparison — Indicates whether the compared
tagged VLANs are the same or different