Assigning – Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
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Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual
User accounts
3. Select the user account you want to copy user preferences to and click Paste User Preferences
under the Users table.
If you need to make any other changes to this user account, refer to
4. Click Yes on the confirmation message.
5. Click Close to close the Users dialog box.
Assigning roles and areas of responsibility to a user account
To assign roles and AORs to an existing user account, complete the following steps.
1. Select Server > Users.
The Users dialog box displays.
2. Select the user account you want to edit and click Edit under the Users table.
The Edit User dialog box displays.
3. Assign roles and AORs by selecting the role or AOR in the Available Roles / AOR table and click
the right arrow button to move the role or AOR to the Selected Roles / AOR table.
Select multiple roles or AORs by holding down the CTRL key and clicking more than one role or
4. Click OK to save the user account and close the Edit User dialog box.
If you make changes to the user’s role or AOR while the user is logged in, a confirmation
message displays. When you click OK on the confirmation message, the user is logged out and
must log back in to see the changes.
5. Click Close to close the Users dialog box.
Removing roles and areas of responsibility from a user account
To remove roles and AORs from an existing user account, complete the following steps.
1. Select Server > Users.
The Users dialog box displays.
2. Select the user account you want to edit and click Edit under the Users table.
The Edit User dialog box displays.
3. Remove roles and AORs by selecting the role or AOR in the Selected Roles / AOR table and click
the left arrow button to move the role or AOR to the Available Roles / AOR table.
Select multiple roles or AORs by holding down the CTRL key and clicking more than one role or
4. Click OK to save the user account and close the Edit User dialog box.
If you make changes to the user’s role or AOR while the user is logged in, a confirmation
message displays. When you click OK on the confirmation message, the user is logged out and
must log back in to see the changes.
5. Click Close to close the Users dialog box.