Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
Page 1455

Brocade Network Advisor IP User Manual
Patch troubleshooting
An error message with the following text
Real Time statistics collection has failed.
Please see master log for details.
To collect GigE port and FCIP statistics, you must enable the FCIP-MIB capability.
Verification and Troubleshooting
To verify that FCIP-MIB capability is enabled, use the following command from the
switch CLI:
FCRRouter:admin> snmpconfig --show mibcapability
To enabling FCIP-MIB capability, use the following command from the switch CLI:
FCRRouter:admin> snmpconfig --set mibcapability
FA-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
FICON-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
HA-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
FCIP-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
ISCSI-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
10 To collect FCIP or GE statistics, you must configure SNMPv3 credentials in the
Address Properties dialog box - SNMP tab.
Verify that the SNMPv3 credentials are valid. When you discover a switch using
‘admin’ as the v3 credentials, a new user (for example, User 6) is created with the
SNMP user name ‘admin’. To verify the SNMP user credentials, use the following
command from the switch CLI:
sw1:FID128:admin> snmpconfig --show snmpv3
SNMPv3 USM configuration:
User 1 (rw): snmpadmin1
Auth Protocol: noAuth
Priv Protocol: noPriv
User 2 (rw): snmpadmin2
Auth Protocol: noAuth
Priv Protocol: noPriv
User 3 (rw): snmpadmin3
Auth Protocol: noAuth
Priv Protocol: noPriv
User 4 (ro): snmpuser1
Auth Protocol: noAuth
Priv Protocol: noPriv
User 5 (ro): snmpuser2
Auth Protocol: noAuth
Priv Protocol: noPriv
User 6 (ro): admin
Auth Protocol: noAuth
Priv Protocol: noPriv