Sony Multi Interface Shoe Adapter User Manual

Page 1076

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Error Messages


No external HDD was found

2561: Frame Memory >External HDD >Format
In the above menu, an attempt was made to
execute [Format] but the external hard disk
could not be recognized. Check that the
external hard disk is correctly connected.

Format operation failed (–10).

2561: Frame Memory >External HDD >Format
In the above menu, an attempt was made to
execute [Format] but formatting the external
hard disk was not completed correctly.

Format operation failed (–11).

Cannot access the partition

2561: Frame Memory >External HDD >Format
In the above menu, an attempt was made to
execute [Format] but the logical drives of the
external hard disk could not be accessed.
Check that the external hard disk is correctly

Cannot access the directory

2561: Frame Memory >External HDD >Format
In the above menu, an attempt was made to
execute [Format] but the directory of the
external hard disk could not be accessed.

Cannot access the directory

The external HDD is busy

2561: Frame Memory >External HDD >Format
In the above menu, an attempt was made to
execute [Format] of the external hard disk which
was busy and could not be accessed. Try again
after you check that the access lamp of the hard
disk or the indicator of the menu is turned off.

GPI Input

Please set Target.

7325.1/2: Engineering Setup >Panel >Device
Interface >GPI Input
7344.1/2: Engineering Setup >DME >Device
Interface >DME1 GPI Input
7344.5/6: Engineering Setup >DME >Device
Interface >DME2 GPI Input
7352/7352.1: Engineering Setup >DCU >GPI
Input Assign
In the above menus, when making a setting, a
parameter setting value was incorrect. Check
the settings, and try again.

Please set Trigger Type.

Please set Reg No.

Please set Aux Bus No.

Please set Src No.

Please set Pulse Width.

Please set Pulse Timing.


Please set Target.

7325.3/4: Engineering Setup >Panel >Device
Interface >GPI Output
7337.2/3: Engineering Setup >Switcher
>Device Interface >GPI Output
7337.4/5: Engineering Setup >Switcher
>Device Interface >GPI Output
7344.3/4: Engineering Setup >DME >Device
Interface >DME1 GPI Output
7344.7/8: Engineering Setup >DME >Device
Interface >DME2 GPI Output
7354/7354.1: Engineering Setup >DCU >GPI
Output Assign
In the above menus, when making a setting, a
parameter setting value was incorrect. Check
the settings, and try again.

Please set Trigger Type.

Please set Reg No.

Please set Aux Bus No.

Please set Src No.

Please set Pulse Width.

Please set Pulse Timing.

Icon Title

