Sony Multi Interface Shoe Adapter User Manual

Page 1011

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GPI Input Setting (GPI Input Assign Menu)







p (DCU)

P/P DSK4 Auto Trans, P/P DSK4 Cut
FTB Auto Trans, FTB Cut
Master SS ? Recall,
SS ? Recall,
M/E-1 Key1 SS ? Recall, M/E-1 Key2 SS ? Recall
M/E-1 Key3 SS ? Recall, M/E-1 Key4 SS ? Recall
M/E-2 Key1 SS ? Recall, M/E-2 Key2 SS ? Recall
M/E-2 Key3 SS ? Recall, M/E-2 Key4 SS ? Recall
M/E-3 Key1 SS ? Recall, M/E-3 Key2 SS ? Recall
M/E-3 Key3 SS ? Recall, M/E-3 Key4 SS ? Recall
P/P DSK1 SS ? Recall, P/P DSK2 SS ? Recall
P/P-1 DSK3 SS ? Recall, P/P-1 DSK4 SS ? Recall
FM Src1 Field Freeze, FM Src1 Frame Freeze, FM Src1 Freeze Off
FM Src2 Field Freeze, FM Src2 Frame Freeze, FM Src2 Freeze Off
FM Src1 Clip Record, FM Src1 Clip Stop, FM Src2 Clip Record, FM Src2
Clip Stop, FM1 to FM8 Clip Cueup, FM1 to FM8 Clip Play, FM1 to FM8
Clip Stop,
Effect ? Recall, Effect ? Recall & Run, KF Run, KF Stop,
Master Effect ? Recall
KF Rewind, Shotbox ? Recall, Macro Take, Macro ? Recall, No Action

• When the trigger type is only “Rising Edge” or “Falling Edge”

Aux? O’ride Src??

• When the trigger type is “Level”

Simul, Custom, Format (frame/field rate, number of lines)
(System Format, SWR Format, DME Ch1-Ch4 Format, DME Ch5-Ch8
Aspect (System Aspect, SWR Aspect, M/E-1 Aspect, M/E-2 Aspect,
M/E-3 Aspect, P/P Aspect, DME Ch1-Ch4 Aspect
DME Ch1 Aspect, DME Ch2 Aspect, DME Ch3 Aspect,
DME Ch4 Aspect, DME Ch5 Aspect
DME Ch6 Aspect, DME Ch7 Aspect, DME Ch8 Aspect)
Level Enable, No Action


• “Level Enable” is a function that determines whether GPI inputs are enabled

(“Enable”) or disabled (“Disable”) for the Aspect and Format actions that
can be used when the trigger type is Level. When Level Enable is used, if the
input is “Disable” then it is not possible to switch Aspect or Format by GPI
If a GPI to switch Aspect or Format occurs when powering the system off,
the action triggered by the GPI may start immediately before the power goes
off and the power may go off before the action is completed. This may
corrupt the setup settings. It is therefore recommended to use Level Enable
to avoid such a situation.

• As for “Aux ? O’ride Src ??,” when “Rising Edge” is selected, on a rising

edge the set AUX bus primary input is used. On a falling edge, the original