HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual
Page 620

Error status after call: M3171 = 0: Element was read
Values for file type:
0: .T file (Tool table)
1: .D file (Datum table)
2: .TCH file (Pocket table)
Values for element number for .D file:
0: Offset X
1: Offset Y
2: Offset Z
3: Offset 4
4: Offset 5
Values for element number for .TCH file
(pocket table):
0: Tool number (–1 if no tool entered)
1: Special pocket (0= no, 1= yes)
2: Fixed pocket (0= no, 1= yes)
3: Disabled pocket (0= no, 1= yes)
4: PLC status (PLC) (available for OEM)
Values for element number for .T file:
0: Tool length
1: Tool radius
2: spare
3: Replacement tool (-1 if not defined)
4: spare
5: Max. tool life
6: Max. tool life with Tool Call
7: Current tool life
8: 2nd tool radius
9: Allowance on tool length
10: Allowance on tool radius
11: Allowance on 2nd tool radius
12: Tool disabled (0= no, 1= yes)
13: Number of tool cutting edges (CUT)
14: Tolerance for tool length (LTOL)
15: Tolerance for tool radius (RTOL)
16: Cutting direction of the tool (DIRECT) (0 (0 = “ ”
= “–”)
17: PLC status (PLC) (available for OEM)
18: Tool length offset (TT:LOFFS)
19: Tool radius offset (TT:ROFFS)
20: Breakage tolerance for tool length (LBREAK)
21: Breakage tolerance for tool radius (RBREAK)
Error numbers:
0: No error, element was read
1: Call was not from SUBMIT Job
2: No such file type
3: No file of specified type with M status found
4: Line number not in file
5: Wrong element number
6: Element value not found
PLC Module 9093: Read data from tables selected for execution (.T/.D/.TCH)
With Module 9093 the contents of a line can be read in a table (with M status set) selected for
execution. The module must be told the identifier of the desired table, the line number (= tool
number for .T, vector number for .D or pocket number for .TCH) and the number of the element to
be read.
- The module can only run within a SUBMIT Job.
- The values are returned as integers shifted by the number of definable places after the decimal
Possible errors:
- The module was not called from a SUBMIT Job.
- There is no file of the specified type that has M status.
- The specified line number is not in the file.
- The specified file type does not exist.
- The specified element does not exist.