HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual

Page 302

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TNC 407/TNC 415/TNC 425

9 Touch probe


An error message "Touch point inaccessible" appears if the maximum measuring range (MP6130) is
exceeded. Machine parameters MP6140 and MP6150 have no function with the probing cycles in
the "Manual" and "Electronic Handwheel" modes.

The probing sequence must be enabled by the PLC with marker M2503. This marker is set by the
NC when a probing cycle starts and the NC waits until the PLC resets marker M2503 before
executing the probing function. A number of conditions are transferred to the PLC with markers
M2022 to M2027. This information can be processed further in the PLC program. The probing
function is controlled entirely from the NC.

In all modes if the stylus is deflected and marker M2502 is set, the controller stops the machine.
If M2502 is not set, the controller only detects stylus deflection if the probing function has started.
This is why HEIDENHAIN recommend setting marker M2502 as soon as the touch probe is in the
spindle. This recommendation does not apply to the TS 511, however, since a stylus deflection is
only recognised when the system is not in standby mode.

If M2502 is set, then the maximum feed-rate is limited by MP6150 in addition to MP 1010 and
MP1020. MP7411 selects whether the tool data (length, radius, axis) from the last TOOL CALL block
or from the calibrated data of the probe system are used in a touch probe block. The centre offset of
the probe system can be determined when calibrating. This centre offset is then automatically
corrected in all probing operations (see User's Manual). MP6160 defines whether spindle orientation
for a rotation by 180


will be performed directly by the NC or through the PLC. If the NC orients the

spindle directly, the PLC need only reset Marker M2499. If the PLC orients the spindle, the number
of the M function will be entered in MP6560. For the triggering touch probe the rotation is activated
by pressing a soft key. For the measuring touch probe the rotation is automatically activated during
calibration. This can be deselected with MP6321. During every spindle orientation the Marker
M2127 is set.


Select touch probe
Input: 0 or 1
0 = TS 120
1 = TS 511


Selection between triggering or measuring touch probe
Entry: 0 or 1
0 = Triggering touch probe (e.g. TS 120)
1 = Measuring touch probe (e.g. TM 110)


Probing feed rate (triggering touch probe)
Entry: 10 to 3000 [mm/min]


Probing feed rate (measuring touch probe)
Entry: 10 to 3000 [mm/min]


Maximum measuring range
Entry: 0.001 to 99

999.9999 [mm]


Setup clearance above measuring point
Entry: 0.001 to 99

999.9999 [mm]


Rapid traverse in probing cycle (triggering touch probe)
Entry: 10 to 10

000 [mm/min]