HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual
Page 306

The feed rate in the normal direction (MP6230) is the resultant velocity at which the touch probe is
fed from the non-deflected to the deflected condition perpendicular to the contour and vice versa.
Normal direction
Apart from the oscillation amplitude, the feed rate in the normal direction also determines the
maximum scanning feed rate. If MP6230 is too low, the machine dynamics will be under-utilized and
the scanning feed rate will also be low. If MP6230 is too high the oscillation amplitude will be too
high. In this case the stylus will be seen to lift off from the contour (the stylus "taps" the surface of
the workpiece) and the scanning feed rate no longer increases.
The maximum stylus deflection is defined by machine parameter MP6240. MP6240 will depend on
the length of the stylus used. MP6240 defines the maximum travel by which the stylus retracts on
inside corners. If the touch probe is not "cleared" after the stylus backs out by the travel defined in
MP6240, the touch probe axis (e.g. Z) is retracted in the positive direction. Digitizing continues as
soon as the touch probe is cleared.
Machine parameter MP6260 defines whether an M90 is appended to each NC block in the output
digitized data (see also "Constant contour speed at corners with M90").
Machine parameter MP6270 defines the output format of the digitized data, i.e. the number of
decimal places to which the coordinates are output.
Number of oscillations in normal direction per second.
Input range 0 to 65.535 [1/s]
Feed rate in normal direction
Input range: 0 to 1000 [mm/min]
Maximum stylus deflection
Input range: 0 to 10.000 [mm]
Output of M90 for NC blocks with digitized data
Input value: 0 = no M90 output
1 = M90 output in each NC block
Rounding decimal places
Input value:
0 = output 0.001 mm steps (1µm)
1 = output 0.01 mm steps (10 µm)
2 = output 0.0001 mm steps (0.1 µm)