2 machine parameters 7-139, 1 overwrite machine parameter (module 9031) 7-139 – HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual
Page 600

4.2 Machine Parameters
4.2.1 Overwrite Machine Parameter (Module 9031)
Overwrites the value of a machine parameter that is defined by its number and index.
- The value of the machine parameter must be specified as an integer, with the decimal point
shifted by the number of possible places after the decimal. Example: to set MP910.0 to 100.12
mm write 1001200 (four places after the decimal lead to a multiplication by 10000).
- Only the value in the run-time memory is modified, the value in the editable machine parameter list
does not change. This means that the old value is valid again after editing and escaping from the
machine parameter list.
- Zero must be given as the index for non-indexed machine parameters.
- Once the NC program has started the module only operates during the output of M/G/S/T/T2/Q
- Not every MP can be modified by the PLC. The machine parameters that can be modified by the
PLC are marked "PLC" in the chapter "Machine Parameters".
Possible errors:
- The machine parameter specified by the MP number and index does not exist.
- The specified MP cannot be modified by the PLC or not once the NC program has started.
- The module was not called from a Submit Job.
- The module was called after the NC program started without a strobe marker being active.
0: No error
1: MP does not exist/not modifiable/not
modifiable once PC PGM has started
2: MP value out of range
3: Error when saving (Fatal Error)
4: Call was not from SUBMIT Job
5: Call once PGM started without strobe
Error status after call: M3171 =
0: MP was written
1: Error condition see above