4 scaling factor, 5 cylinder interpolation – HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual
Page 272

Cycles for milling pockets with free-programmed contours.
Entry: %xxxx
Bit 0
Channel-Milling direction for
0 =
Anti-clockwise channel-milling of the pocket
contours, clockwise for islands
1 =
Clockwise channel-milling of the pocket
contours, anti-clockwise for islands
Bit 1
Sequence for
0 =
First channel-milling, then clear out pocket
clearing out and -
1 =
First clear out pocket , then channel-milling
Bit 2
Merge programmed
0 =
Contours merged only if the
tool centre paths intersect
4 =
Contours merged if the
programmed contours overlap
Bit 3
Clearing out and channel-
0 =
Clearing out and channel-milling performed in
milling to pocket
one operation for all depths
depth, or for each
1 =
For each peck, first perform channel-milling,
infeed depth
and then clearing out (depending on Bit 1)
before next peck
Bit 4
Position after cycle has
0 =
Move tool to position that was approached
been executed
before cycle was called
1 =
TNC moves tool to "clearance height"
6.7.4 Scaling factor
Machine parameters can be used to decide whether Cycle 11 "Scaling factor" only operates in the
machining plane or also parallel to the tool axis.
"Scaling factor" cycle in two or three axes
Entry: 0 or 1
0 = Cycle "Scaling factor" operates in all three principal axes
1 = Cycle "Scaling factor" only operates in the machining plane
6.7.5 Cylinder interpolation
A contour can be machined on a cylindrical surface with Cycle 27 "Cylinder surface" (see User's
This requires the centre of rotation of a rotary axis to be defined in machine parameters MP7510 ff.
(see section "Swivel Axes"). The same reference position must apply for a description of the
machine geometry via machine parameters MP7510 ff. and for any datum shift.