HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual

Page 24

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TNC 407/TNC 415/TNC 425

3 Software


TNC 415 B/TNC 425:

259 93x 08

TNC 415 F/TNC 425 E:

259 94x 08

This versions was supplied from 6/93 only when

TNC 407:

243 03x 08

expressly requested by the customer.

New functions:

LSV2 protocol

PLC axes

Help files

Synchronized axes

New compensation value table (simultaneous compensation of sag and ballscrew pitch error)

Cycle 3 "Slot Milling" modified

Cycle 27 "Cylinder Surface" new

"Working Plane": Displays are referenced to the tilted coordinate system; Touch probe functions in
the tilted coordinate system: Datum setting in the tilted system

M94 new (modulo 360°)

M103 new (reduced feed rate during plunge cutting)

M105/M106 new (second set of kv factors)

M112 new (Tolerance field for "Look ahead")

M116 new (feed rate for rotary axes in mm/min)

M118 new (Handwheel overlapping)

Min. and max. memory for DNC operation

Calculation with parentheses and expanded parameter functions

MP7470 was eliminated

Graphic depiction of the workpiece blank in the working space

M114 new (automatic compensation of machine geometry during machining with tilted axes)

Module 9150 new

Input/Output of tool and pocket tables

Module 9035 was expanded

TNC 415 B/TNC 425:

259 93x 09

TNC 415 F/TNC 425 E:

259 94x 09

This version was supplied from 8/93 only

TNC 407:

243 03x 09

when expressly requested by the customer.

New functions:

The export versions TNC 415F and TNC 425E were improved with linear interpolation in 4 of 5
axes (previously 3 of 5 axes).

TNC 415 B/TNC 425:

259 93x 10

TNC 415 F/TNC 425 E:

259 94x 10

TNC 407:

243 03x 10

Release 9/93