11 assign not (=n), 12 assign two's complement (= -) – HEIDENHAIN TNC 407 (243 020) Technical Manual User Manual
Page 507

Line Instruction
Accumulator Contents
Operand Contents
31 . . . 15
15 8 7 0
... x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
L W8
... 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
00110110 11111111
O20 ... ... O5
W= O5
... 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
00110110 11111111
Line 1:
The contents of Word W8 are loaded into the Accumulator.
Line 2:
The contents of the Accumulator are assigned to the Outputs O5 to O20.
The Commands B= and D= are processed in the same way except that 8 or 32 bits are used
3.1.11 ASSIGN NOT (=N)
Abbreviation for the PLC Editor: =N (STORE NOT)
Logic processing
Operands: M, I, O, T, C
An ASSIGN NOT in conjunction with a logic operand (M,I,O,T,C) copies the one's complement of the
contents of the logic accumulator to the addressed operand.
For example see ASSIGN command (=).
Word processing
Operands: B, W, D
An ASSIGN NOT in conjunction with a word operand (B,W,D) copies the one's complement of the
contents of the word accumulator to the addressed operand.
For example see ASSIGN command (=).
Abbreviation for the PLC Editor: = - (STORE MINUS)
Operands: B, W, D
An ASSIGN TWO'S COMPLEMENT copies the two's complement of the contents of the word
accumulator to the addressed operand.
For example see ASSIGN command (=).