1 cpu-rx-ratelimit total, 2 cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length, 3 cpu-rx-ratelimit protocol – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 867: Received and sent by cpu, Ratelimit total, Ratelimit queue, Length, Ratelimit protocol
Chapter 64 Commands for Debugging
and Diagnosis for Packets Received
and Sent by CPU
64.1 cpu-rx-ratelimit total
Command: cpu-rx-ratelimit total
no cpu-rx-ratelimit total
Function: Set the total rate of the CPU receiving packets, the no command sets the total rate of the CPU
receiving packets to default.
Command Mode: Global Mode
Default: 1200pps.
Usage Guide: The total rate set by the command have an effect on CPU receiving packets, so it is
supposed to be used with the help of the technical support.
Example: Set the total rate of the CPU receive packets to 1500pps.
Switch(config)#cpu-rx-ratelimit total 1500
64.2 cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length
Command: cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length
no cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length
Function: Set the length of the specified queue, the no command set the length to default.
is the queue’s length, the range of length is <0-500>pkts, 0 indicates closing the queue.
Command Mode: Global Mode
Default: Default length is 100pkts.
Usage Guide: The queue length set by this command have an effect on CPU receiving packets, so it is
supposed to be used with the help of the technical support.
Example: Set the length of queue 2 to 150pkts.
Switch(config)#cpu-rx-ratelimit queue-length 2 150
64.3 cpu-rx-ratelimit protocol
Command: cpu-rx-ratelimit protocol
no cpu-rx-ratelimit protocol
Function: Set the max rate of the CPU receiving packets of the protocol type, the “no cpu-rx-ratelimit
dhcp, igmp, ssh, bgp, bgp4plus, rip, ripng, ospf, ospfv3, pim, pimv6, unknown-mcast, unknow-mcast6,
Command Mode: Global Mode