51 neighbor description, 52 neighbor distribute-list, Neighbor description – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 537: Neighbor distribute, List

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35.51 neighbor description

Command: neighbor {|} description <.LINE>

no neighbor {|} description

Function: Configure the description string of the peer or peer group. The “no neighbor

{|} description” command deletes the configurations of this string.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of peer group.

<.LINE>: Description string consists of displayable characters less than 80.

Default: Description string is empty.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: Configure the introduction of the peer or peer group.


Switch(config-router)#neighbor description tester


35.52 neighbor distribute-list

Command: neighbor {|} distribute-list {<1-199>|<1300-2699>|}


no neighbor {|} distribute-list

{<1-199>|<1300-2699>|} {in|out}

Function: Configure the policy applied in partner route update transmission. The “no neighbor

{|} distribute-list {<1-199>|<1300-2699>|} {in|out}” command cancels

the policy configuration.

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address.

: Name of peer group.

<1-199>|<1300-2699>|: Number or name of the access-list.

Default: Policy not applied.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: Configure the policies with access-list command and apply this command on route

sending and receiving. It will filter the update route from partner when use in mode, and will filter the route

from local side to partner with out mode.


Configure the access-list

Switch(config)#access-list 101 deny ip any

Switch(config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any

Switch(config)#router bgp 100