6 show flash, 7 show history, 8 show logging buffered – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 858: Show flash, Show history, Show logging buffered
62.6 show flash
Command: show flash
Function: Show the size of the files which are reserved in the system flash memory.
Command Mode: Admin Mode and Configuration Mode.
Example: To list the files and their size in the flash.
Switch#show flash
boot.rom 329,828 1900-01-01 00:00:00 --SH
boot.conf 94 1900-01-01 00:00:00 --SH
nos.img 2,449,496 1980-01-01 00:01:06 ----
startup-config 2,064 1980-01-01 00:30:12 ----
62.7 show history
Command: show history
Function: Display the recent user command history.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Usage Guide: The system holds up to 20 commands the user entered, the user can use the UP/DOWN
key or their equivalent (ctrl+p and ctrl+n) to access the command history.
Switch#show history
interface ethernet 1/3
show ftp
62.8 show logging buffered
Command: show logging buffered [level {critical | warnings} | range <begin-index> <end-index>]
Function: This command displays the detailed information in the log buffer channel. This command is
not supported on low end switches.
Parameter: level {critical | warnings} means the level of critical information. <begin-index> is the
index start value of the log message, the valid range is 1-65535,
the log message, the valid range is 1-65535. When only display logging buffered information of the line
card must be added range parameter, but the main control has not the request.
Command Mode: Admin and Configuration Mode.
Default: No parameter specified indicates all the critical log information will be displayed.
Usage Guide: Warning and critical log information is saved in the buffer zone. When displayed to the
terminal, their display format should be: index ID time
Example 1: Display the critical log information in the log buffer zone channel and related to the main
control with index ID between 940 and 946.