22 spanning-tree digest-snooping, 23 spanning-tree tcflush (global mode) – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 208
13.1.22 spanning-tree digest-snooping
spanning-tree digest-snooping
no spanning-tree digest-snooping
Configure the port to use the authentication string of partner port; the command “no spanning-tree
digest-snooping” restores to use the port generated authentication string.
Command mode:
Port Mode
Don’t use the authentication string of partner port.
Usage Guide:
According to MSTP protocol, the region authentication string is generated by MD5 algorithm with
public authentication key, intstance ID, VLAN ID. Some manufactory don’t use the public
authentication key, this causes the incompatibility. After the command is executed the port can use
the authentication string of partner port, realize compatibility with these manufactories equipment.
Note: Because the authentication string is related to instance ID and VLAN ID, the command may
cause recognizing the equipment that with different instance and VLAN relation as in the same
region. Before the command is executed, make sure that instance and VLAN relation is accord for
all the equipment. If there are more than one equipment connected, all the connected ports should
execute this command.
Configure the authentication string of partner port.
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/2
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/2)#spanning-tree digest-snooping
13.1.23 spanning-tree tcflush (Global mode)
spanning-tree tcflush {enable| disable| protect}
no spanning-tree tcflush
Configure the spanning-tree flush mode once the topology changes. “no spanning-tree tcflush”
restores to default setting.
enable: The spanning-tree flush once the topology changes.
disable: The spanning tree don’t flush when the topology changes.
protect: the spanning-tree flush not more than one time every ten seconds.