3 ip mroute, 4 ip pim bsr-border – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 574

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XGS3 Command Guide


Default: Disabled.

Command Mode: Admin Mode.

Usage Guide: Enable the switch, and display PIM-DM state-refresh timer information in detail.


Switch #debug ip pim timer srt

Remark: Other debug switches in PIM-DM are common in PIM-SM, including debug pim event, debug

pim packet, debug pim nexthop, debug pim nsm, debug pim mfc, debug pim timer, debug pim state, refer

to PIM-SM manual section.

38.2.3 ip mroute

Command: ip mroute <A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> <ifname> <.ifname>

no ip mroute <A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> [<ifname> <.ifname>]

Function: To configure static multicast entry. The no command will delete some static multicast entries or

some egress interfaces.

Parameter: are the source address and group address of multicast.

<ifname> <.ifname>, the first one is ingress interface, follow is egress interface.

Default: To delete this static multicast entry, if the command isn’t included interface parameter.

Command Mode: Global Mode.

Usage Guide: The <ifname> should be valid VLAN interfaces. The multicast data flow will not be

forwarded unless PIM is configured on the egress interface and the interface is UP. If the state of the

interface is not UP, or PIM is not configured, or RPF is not valid, the multicast data flow will not be

fordwarded. To removed the specified multicast routing entry. If all the egress interfaces are specified, or

no interfaces are specified, the specified multicast routing entry will be removed. Otherwise the multicast

routing entry for the specified interface will be removed.


Switch(config)#ip mroute v10 v20 v30

38.2.4 ip pim bsr-border

Command: ip pim bsr-border

no ip pim bsr-border

Function: To configure or delete PIM BSR-BORDER interface.

Parameter: None.

Default: Non-BSR-BORDER.

Command Mode: Interface Configuration Mode.

Usage Guide: To configure the interface as the BSR-BORDER. If configured, BSR related messages will

not receive from or sent to the specified interface. All the networks connected to the interface will be

considered as directly connected.


Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no ip pim bsr-border