29 ipv6 pim rp-register-kat, 30 ipv6 pim scope-border, 31 ipv6 pim sparse-mode – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 692
XGS3 Command Guide
lower value has more priority
Default: This switch is not a RP static router.
Command Mode: Global Mode
Usage Guide: This command is the candidate RP global configure command, it is used to configure
PIM-SM candidate RP information in order to compete RP router with other candidate RPs. Only this
command is configured, this switch is the RP candidate router
Example: Configure vlan1 as the sending interface of candidate RP announce messages
Switch (config)# ipv6 pim rp-candidate vlan1 100
39.3.29 ipv6 pim rp-register-kat
Command: ipv6 pim rp-register-kat <vaule>
no ipv6 pim rp-register-kat
Function: This command is to configure the KAT(KeepAlive Timer)value of the RP(S,G)items, the unit is
second. The “no ipv6 pim rp-register-kat” command restores the default value.
Parameter: <vaule> is the timer value, ranges from 1 to 65535s
Default: 185s
Command Mode: Global Mode
Usage Guide: Configure rp-register-kat interval to 30s.
Switch(config)# ipv6 pim rp-register-kat 30
39.3.30 ipv6 pim scope-border
Command: ipv6 pim scope-border [<500-599>|<acl_name>]
no ipv6 pim scope-border
Function: To configure or delete management border of PIM6.
Parameters: <500-599> is the ACL number for the management border.
<acl_name> is the ACL name for the management border.
Default: Not management border. If no ACL is specified, the default management border will be used.
Command Mode: Interface Configuration Mode.
Usage Guide: To configure the management border and the ACL for the IPV6 PIM. The multicast data
flow will not be forwarded to the SCOPE-BORDER.
Switch(Config-if-Vlan2)#ipv6 pim scope-border 503
39.3.31 ipv6 pim sparse-mode
Command: ipv6 pim sparse-mode [passive]
no ipv6 pim sparse-mode [passive]
Function: Enable PIM-SM on the interface. no ipv6 pim sparse-mode [passive] disables PIM-SM.
Parameter: [passive] means to disable PIM-SM (that’s PIM-SM doesn’t receive any packets) and only
enable MLD(reveice and transmit MLD packets).