72 neighbor shutdown, 73 neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound, Neighbor shutdown – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 548: Neighbor soft, Reconfiguration inbound

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[both|extended|standard]: Standard community only, extended community or both.

Default: Sending the community attributes.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: The community attributes can be sent to the outside or not. By default of our company we

set to sending while the default in standard protocol is not sending. By configuring this attribute

community attributes will be carried when sending routing information’s to the neighbors, or else not.

Omission of the following choice will be equal to standard.


Switch(config-router)#no neighbor send-community

Switch(config-router)#neighbor send-community

35.72 neighbor shutdown

Command: neighbor {|} shutdown

no neighbor {|} shutdown

Function: Disconnect the neighbor connection. The “no neighbor {|} shutdown

cancels this configuration

Parameter: : Neighbor IP address

: Name of peer group

Default: Not disconnecting.

Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide: Directly disconnect/connect to a peer (group) without canceling the neighbor



Switch(config-router)#neighbor shutdown

35.73 neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound

Command: neighbor {|} soft-reconfiguration inbound

no neighbor {|} soft-reconfiguration inbound

Function: Configures whether perform inbound soft reconfiguration; the “no neighbor

{|} soft-reconfiguration inbound” command set to not perform the inbound soft


Parameter: : Neighbor IP address

: Name of peer group

Default: Not perform inbound soft reconfiguration.

Command Mode: The system saves the inbound messages in the buffer after the soft reconfiguration is