62 neighbor peer-group (creating), 63 neighbor peer-group (configuring group members), 64 neighbor port – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 543: Neighbor peer, Group, Reating, Onfiguring group members, Neighbor port
35.62 neighbor peer-group (Creating)
Command: neighbor < TAG> peer-group
no neighbor < TAG> peer-group
Function: Create/delete a peer group. The “no neighbor < TAG> peer-group” command deletes a peer
Default: No peer group.
Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode
Usage Guide: By configuring the peer group, a group of peers with the same attributes will be configured
at the same time so to reduce the configuration staff labor. Assign members to the peer group with
Switch(config-router)#neighbor pg peer-group
Switch(config-router)#neighbor peer-group pg
Switch(config-router)#neighbor pg remote-as 100
Related Command: neighbor peer-group (Configuring group members)
35.63 neighbor peer-group (Configuring group
Command: neighbor
no neighbor
Function: Assign/delete peers in the group. The “no neighbor
Default: No peer group.
Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode
Usage Guide: By configuring the peer group, a group of peers with the same attributes will be configured
at the same time so to reduce the configuration staff labor. Create peer group with above command and
assign members into the group with this command.
Example: Refer to above examples.
Related Command: neighbor peer-group (Creating)
35.64 neighbor port
Command: neighbor <ip-address> port <0-65535>
no neighbor
Function: Specify the TCP port number of the partner through which the communication carries. The “no