57 neighbor interface, 58 neighbor maximum-prefix, Neighbor interface – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual
Page 540: Neighbor maximum, Prefix
Usage Guide: After first configured the IP AS-PATH access-list, apply this option to specified neighbor
will be able to send/receive routes with specified AS numbers in the AS list. Accepting or denying
depends on the configuration of the access-list, while sending and receiving are configured by this
Configure the AS-PATH access control list, “ASPF” is the name of the access-list. The route with AS
number of 100 will not be able to update to the partner due to the filter table control.
Switch(config)#ip as-path access-list ASPF deny 100
Switch(config)#router bgp 100
Switch(config-router)# redistribute static
Switch(config-router)neighbor filter-list aspf out
Relevant Commands: ip as-path access-list
35.57 neighbor interface
Command: neighbor
no neighbor
Function: Specify the interface to the neighbor. The “no neighbor
the command cancels this configuration.
Default: Not configured.
Command Mode: BGP route mode and address-family mode
Usage Guide: Specifies the exit interface to the neighbor with this command. Interface destination
accessibility should be ensured.
Switch(config-router)# neighbor interface Vlan2
35.58 neighbor maximum-prefix
Command: neighbor {
no neighbor {
Function: Control the number of route prefix from the neighbor. The “no neighbor
cancels this configuration.