3 lacp port-priority, 4 lacp system-priority, Lacp port – PLANET XGS3-24040 User Manual

Page 147: Priority, Lacp system

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Command mode:

Global Mode

Usage Guide:

On entering aggregated port mode, configuration to GVRP or spanning tree modules will apply to

aggregated ports; if the aggregated port does not exist (i.e., ports have not been aggregated), an

error message will be displayed and configuration will be saved and will be restored until the ports

are aggregated. Note such restoration will be performed only once, if an aggregated group is

ungrouped and aggregated again, the initial user configuration will not be restored. If it is

configuration for modules, such as shutdown configuration, then the configuration to current port will

apply to all member ports in the corresponding port group.


Entering configuration mode for port-channel 1.

Switch(config)#interface port-channel 1


9.3 lacp port-priority


lacp port-priority <port-priority>

no lacp port-priority


Set the port priority of LACP protocol.

Parameters: <port-priority>:

the port priority of LACP protocol, the range from 0 to 65535.

Command mode:

Port Mode.


The default priority is 32768 by system.

Usage Guide:

Use this command to modify the port priority of LACP protocol, the no command restores the default



Set the port priority of LACP protocol.

Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)# lacp port-priority 30000

9.4 lacp system-priority


lacp system-priority <system-priority>

no lacp system-priority


Set the system priority of LACP protocol.